Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Some random interweb stuff.  I need to get a rubiks cube, they're totally back.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


How cute and genius are these ads for Bronx Zoo.  I wanna be that clever!

Monday, April 13, 2009

I wish I was older!

So I could remember this!  W.O.W

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Budget bloodsuckers (not recession related)

Yet again I've missed a flight home.  I really want to blame Ryanair but I guess leaving the house 20 minutes late was probably the real culprit.  I suck at getting up.  I think I'm going to sue the makers of  Twilight instead for making me obsessed with hot vampires.  I stayed up 2 hours too late watching it, taking notes on how I can lure one, which really is a piss poor excuse because I'm  not that likely to find a gorgeous rich gay vampire living in Glasnevin and even if I did, what would I tell my mom? Anyway, I'm off to indulge the 16 year old in me (!) with the DVD extras.

The Lighthuse.

I finally made it over to the lighthouse this week, and it's so gorgeous.  The architecture is amazing and there's a really nice vibe there, loads of space to sit around and read, chat, whatever if you get there early.

I went to see Religulous, which is hilarious.  He's a sanctimonious prick but a funny sanctimonious prick.  I'd take it all with a pinch os salt as he has a very Michael Moore quality but entirely more entertaining and slightly less visually visually repulsive.

I also went to see Let the right one in, which is definitely worth a look.  It's a kind of screwed up Swedish fairy-tale with very 80s costume (which I was coveting).  It's beautifully shot and quite strange and lovely.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Go and see...

...Monsters V Aliens in 3D, it's so so good.  The dialogue is really funny and the 3D technology works so well for this kind of animation. 

Monday, April 6, 2009

I friggin hate...  Seriously, how could me trying to find some obscure 80s cock rock really be doing the world any damage?  Saps!

Tibor Kalman

He's one of my favourite designers and basically responsible for Benetton's advertising campaigns as well as being really fun and subversive.  Go Tibor! Oh and RIP.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I heart...

...the packaging for Zebra matches.  I hope they never update.


I knocked across this ant-communism poster.  Sillly Yankees

Monday, March 30, 2009

I have...

...surprisingly mixed feelings about Pat Kenny leaving the Late Late.  I mean obviously it's for the greater good but seriously, who are we gonna laugh at now when we need some cheering up after a heavy weekend.  Those Monday night repeats will never be the same.

I heart...

...Otl Aicher's work for the 1972 Olympcs.   So iconic.  Jealous!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Let us never forget...

...Mr. Mister's  Kyrie.  I love this song and I hope it doesn't go the way of Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing'.   Anyway, back to the point......

Go and see...

...Michael Collins, the Musical.  Seriously!.  It's fantastic.  It's playing at the Cork Opera House for another week and it really is great.  Plus Suri's Dad plays Dev.

Friday, March 27, 2009


I was just posting the Diane Arbus stuff and a documentary came on TV about her.  I've often thought I had some psychic ability but that's mostly just due to the fact that I could guess episodes of the Simpsons before they came on.

Everybody needs...

...a little Diane Arbus in their lives.  See more at

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I Heart...

...Glasnevin by night.  I've been off out walking around by night with my camera for college and the burbs really are quite lovely.